Country – Tasty Morsel

Ukraine occupies less than 0.5% of the world’s land area, but its soils contain 5% of the world’s mineral resources. Natural resources are an important factor in Russia’s military aggression that is often overlooked. According to various research centers, the value of Ukraine’s mineral resources is about $15 trillion.

At the same time, more than 70% of the total amount is accounted for by the three eastern regions of Donetsk, Dnipro, and Luhansk. Coal accounts for 62% of the total value of mineral resources and iron ore for 14%. The total volume of mineral resources is 111 billion tons. Special attention should be paid to deposits of natural gas, uranium ore, lithium, titanium, potassium, gold and other rare earth metals. Extremely rich deposits and high concentrations are located in close proximity to each other.

In addition to the subsoil deep in the earth, the surface of Ukraine is valuable too. Its territory is the second largest in Europe (after the continental part of Russia). Out of 603 thousand square kilometers (60 million hectares), more than 70% (42.7 million hectares) is agricultural land. The abundance of water resources allows Ukraine to harvest consistently high yields. And at the same time – without regard to climate change. As the world’s population grows, agricultural production will become increasingly important in the future.

When trying to understand the reasons for Russia’s attack on Ukraine, one usually comes up with ideas sympathetic to the Russians, such as the restoration of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. Or Putin’s group resorts to illogical explanations such as “Russia was forced to attack first so that it would not be attacked by NATO countries.” However, the factor of minerals and soil fertility often remains in the shadows and is not mentioned.

Currently, the democratic world is pursuing a rather restrained policy to curb the aggressor. Meanwhile, Russian troops are advancing and capturing new Ukrainian villages.

The Ukrainian government and the local population are focused on integration into the Euro-Atlantic community. Both formally and mentally, they are in the wake of the Western world.

Ultimately, whoever wins the competition for this territory will manage resources worth many trillions of dollars and will affect the availability of food on the planet.

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