NATO Aircraft Respond to Russian Missile Attack

The air force of NATO member Poland has been scrambled due to Russia’s shelling of Ukrainian cities and businesses.

Putin launched the attack this morning, combining the use of attack drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. The entire territory of Ukraine was attacked, including its western regions bordering Poland. This increases the risk of drones or missiles entering the airspace of the NATO country of Poland. During previous shelling of Ukraine, Russian missiles or drones have repeatedly flown into Poland. There is one known case of a Polish citizen being killed by a Russian missile hitting a Polish border farm.

So now the reaction is driven by the need to protect their people.

Poland reported: “In accordance with the current procedures, the Operational Command has deployed all the forces and means at its disposal, the next pairs of fighter jets have been raised, and ground-based air defense and radar reconnaissance assets have been put on high alert. The measures taken are aimed at ensuring security in the territories bordering the threatened areas. The Operational Command of the Armed Forces of Poland is monitoring the current situation, and the subordinate forces and means are in full readiness for immediate response.”

At the moment, we in the European Union are safe – the war is far away, we are not worried about air raids, we do not need to stay in shelters, bomb shelters or hastily move to other regions, leaving our homes behind. But how long can Ukrainians hold out? They lack equipment, weapons, and people. Ukrainians are desperately defending themselves, but still continue to retreat.

Earlier, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that Poland should shoot down Russian missiles that could enter Polish airspace while still over the territory of Ukraine. This is because if they were shot down over Polish territory, the risks to Polish citizens would increase.

Back in the fall, a bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers appealed to President Joe Biden to allow Poland to use its air defense over Ukraine to shoot down Russian missiles.

And Radoslaw Sikorski reiterated his hope that NATO would allow Poland to use its air defense to shoot down Russian missiles flying over Ukraine that could threaten it.

If Ukraine falls under Putin’s pressure, the next victims of aggression will be the EU countries. In a year or two, a new generation will grow up in Russia, plus Putin’s propaganda will brainwash part of the captured population, and Russia will accumulate new missiles and launch an attack on us. We do not know what will happen in the world at that time. Will the United States be able to help us, or will the Americans be tied up in the war with China and the war in the Middle East?

Whatever one may say, it is more profitable for us to provide Ukrainians with all the necessary weapons and equipment. This will guarantee that our husbands and sons will not have to take up arms and go to war.

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