Russian Customs Massively Block Chinese-European Rail Shipments – Caixin

Russian customs authorities have begun systematically blocking freight shipments traveling by rail from China to Europe via Russian territory.

Since late October, over a thousand containers have been detained. This development comes amid growing sanctions pressure from the United States and the European Union, further weakening Russia’s economic position.

Due to chaotic and unjustified delays caused by changes in Russian customs regulations, Chinese and European companies are facing additional costs and are increasingly avoiding transit through Russia.

In response, the Italian logistics company Alix International has already sought assistance from Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European trade organizations, as hundreds of its containers have been caught in Russian bureaucratic limbo.

Moscow may be retaliating against China for its insufficient support in circumventing sanctions or attempting—unsuccessfully—to disrupt the supply of goods to Ukraine.

However, these actions are only deepening Russia’s isolation and forcing key partners to seek alternative routes that bypass its territory.

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