Russiavsworld Privacy Policy


At Russiavsworld, we understand the value of personal data. That is why we have prepared this Privacy Policy for you. Here you can find information about how we process your data, for what purposes we use it, and what rights you have in relation to personal data.

  1. General Provisions.

This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) is a legal agreement (the “Agreement”) between Russiavsworld (the “Russiavsworld”, the “Company” or “we”) and you as a user (the “Agreement”). “you”, “User”). The Agreement applies to our Site located at (the “Site”).

  1. Collection of personal data.

When you visit our Site, we automatically receive certain technical data, you can provide some data yourself on a voluntary basis. In this section, we explain what data we collect.

Categories of personal data Description of the category for the Site
2.1. Data Collected Automatically When you visit our Site, some data is collected automatically. We need technical data to operate the Site and to maintain it and improve ours. Such data includes:
Cookies and Similar Technologies. We use cookies for analytical purposes and to provide you with the functionality of our Site. Read more about cookies in the Policy.
Technical details. When you enter the site, we automatically receive your IP address.

2.2. Data you submit On our Site, you can choose to provide us with your personal data.
Russiavsworld Newsletter: If you would like to receive notifications from Russiavsworld, you can leave us:

E-mail address.
Contests and Surveys: We run a variety of contests and surveys. If you would like to participate in a contest or survey, you can leave us:

E-mail address;
phone number;
Place of work, position;
other information, depending on the format of the contest or survey.
Purchasing tickets for our events: On our Site you can purchase tickets for our events, for the purchase you can leave us:

E-mail address;
phone number;
Place of work, position.
Vacancies: Our Site contains vacancies from various employers. If you wish to submit your CV through our Site, you may submit to us:

E-mail address;
type of employment;
transmittal letter;

  1. Purpose of personal data processing.

The original purpose and therefore the reason for processing your data is to provide you with access to our Site. However, the purpose of data collection may change in accordance with clause 2.2. of this Policy. We also process your data to improve our Site and for analytical purposes. The processing of your data, which is not directly related to providing access to the Site (improving the operation of the Site, analytics), but is in contact with it, takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest.

  1. Data transfer.

In the course of our work, we may share certain information about you with third parties.

4.1. Service providers. We may transfer your personal data to our partners or contractors with whom we have relevant agreements. 4.2. By your consent. In cases where you have given your consent, we may share your personal data as described at the time of obtaining consent.
4.3. Restructuring. We do not sell your data to any company or organization. However, we may transfer your personal data to a successor as a result of a merger, consolidation or other corporate reorganization in which we may be involved. In such event, we will notify you that your personal data will be transferred and subject to a different privacy policy. 4.4. Fulfillment of legal norms, safety. We may transfer your personal data to third parties to the extent necessary:
– to comply with a government request, court order, or applicable law;
– to defend against claims of third parties;
– to prevent fraud, to investigate cases of fraud.

  1. Protection of your personal data.

We use a variety of security measures to protect the personal data we process. We have put in place reasonable operational and technical measures to limit access to your data. For example, the data we receive is only available to authorized employees and contractors. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with our Site is not secure, please notify us immediately by contacting us via news.

  1. Policy on minors.

Our Site is not intended for persons under the age of 16. In the event that you are the parent or guardian of a person under 16 and you learn that a minor has provided us with their information and we will do our best to delete the information as quickly as possible.

  1. Use of cookies.

A cookie is a file stored on the user’s hard drive containing information about the user. We generally use session cookies to store your preferences and these cookies expire when you close your browser. Cookies can also be analytical. The data collected by cookies may include the following:

The website from which you arrived at our Site;
The web pages that you viewed on our Site;
Advertisements that you viewed and clicked while browsing various websites;
We also collect information using web beacons (also known as “tracking pixels”).
You can disable all cookies. To do this, open your browser settings. The links below provide information about cookie settings for browsers:

Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge
In addition, you can disable cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative Opt Out page.

  1. Rights in relation to personal data.

If you wish to access, review, update, correct and delete any personal data we hold about you or exercise any of your other rights, in particular the right to restrict processing, the right to object to processing, and the right to data portability. If you are dissatisfied with the way we process your data, you have the right to file a complaint with a regulator.

  1. Storage of personal data.

We store data that allows us to directly or indirectly identify you for as long as we need it to fulfill the purposes of data collection, in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Policy and in accordance with legal requirements.

  1. Data transfer.

In the course of our business, we may need to process your data outside the country in which you reside. In such a case, we will use appropriate safeguards (for example, contractual data protection clauses) to ensure that your personal data is protected in accordance with this Policy.

  1. Change of Policy.

Applicable law and our practices may change over time. If we update the Policy, we will post the changes on our Site. If we materially change the way we process your personal data, we will provide you with prior notice or, if required by law, seek your consent before making such changes. We strongly encourage you to read our Policy regularly so that you know your rights in relation to your personal data.