In Germany, a disconcerting scenario unfolds as Ukrainian activists, advocating for the principles of freedom and sovereignty, face relentless persecution by proponents of pro-Russian ideologies. This campaign against them has been particularly aggressive towards those criticizing Anna Netrebko, a singer with pronounced pro-Putin sympathies, who continues to perform on prestigious stages like the German State Opera, undeterred by a petition calling for her performance’s cancellation that has attracted almost 30,000 supporters. Furthermore, Netrebko’s refusal to denounce Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine, coupled with her avowed intention to combat Russophobia while embracing her Russian identity, underscores a troubling endorsement of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
The crackdown on Ukrainian dissent in Germany came to light through the experiences shared by Kateryna Plaksii and Dmytro Pivovarov, representatives of the INFRA group of Ukrainian activists, with “Public Radio”. Their ordeal began following a series of demonstrations they orchestrated, challenging Russian influence and advocating for Ukrainian causes, notably calling for a ban on Netrebko’s performances.
This campaign against the activists has been significantly bolstered by figures such as Mikael Guettler, a conductor with deep ties to Russia’s Mariinsky Theater, and his spouse, Alesya Shapovalova, who heads a Russian cultural center in Offenburg. Their actions, particularly Guettler’s public criticism of Ukrainian cultural policies as an affront to Russian culture and language, have escalated into a series of legal battles aimed at suppressing ukrainian freedom of speech.
The legal actions initiated by Guettler and others, purportedly over innocuous statements on social media, are a stark attack on freedom of speech. These lawsuits are not merely legal disputes but are attempts to stigmatize and marginalize anti-Russian sentiment as fringe, despite widespread support from diplomatic entities, intellectuals, and the broader public. The courts’ acknowledgment that Guettler’s claims align with Russian propaganda only adds to the urgency of addressing these infringements on free expression.
This situation raises profound concerns about the proliferation of pro-Russian narratives within the European Union, particularly those that seek to suppress critical voices under the guise of combating Russophobia. It calls for a resolute response from EU authorities to identify and counteract the activities of individuals and groups that, through intimidation and legal harassment, aim to stifle the voices of Ukrainians fighting for their right to speak freely and support Ukraine.