Dozens of MEP in EU Parliament demand to strip Hungary of voting rights

Sixty-three members of the European Parliament demand the EU to withdraw Hungary’s voting rights in the bloc, in response to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s recent  ‘peace’ tour to Moscow and Beijing.

This was reported by Politico. The MPs argue that Orban ‘has already caused significant damage by exploiting and abusing his role as EU Council President’ and ‘made several diplomatic visits, including to Putin and Chinese President Xi, during which he deliberately misrepresented his powers’.

It should be also noted that just right after his “peace tour,” Orbán wrote a letter to the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, proposing to restore diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation, according to Bild.

Orban also said that Trump, if elected as US president, is ready to immediately act as a ‘peace mediator’ between Russia and Ukraine and has ‘detailed and reasonable plans’ for this.

European Council President Charles Michel responds to Orban’s letter to the EU on ‘peace plans’ and rebuked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for launching a self-appointed  ‘peace tour’ to Ukraine without the support of the EU, which included talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Michel also rejected Orban’s claim that the EU is pursuing a ‘pro-war’ policy in Ukraine.

‘It is quite the opposite. Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the victim, exercising its legitimate right to self-defence,’ he said.

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